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I also like it for you target a creature with Trample. Seeing as though this is green, you gain access to Rancor :)
Posted By: boneclub (8/25/2010 11:49:33 AM)


Monstrous Growth being a sorcery means it's only going to be cast at the same time you would use this for 4. So Monstrous Growth is played at the same time, costs 1 more, and lacks flexibility.

You can come up with weird scenarios where a sorcery matters (like you have mana to copy sorceries with Izzet Guildmage but not instants,) but obscure corner cases don't factor into most peoples' assessment of whether something is strictly better or worse.
Posted By: bandswithgoats (10/26/2011 12:08:41 PM)


@ClockworkSwordfish: Even that isn't quite right, since this is an Instant and Monstrous Growth is a Sorcery.

To be strictly better, the card normally has to be really identical, except for the fact that it costs more, has less P/T, some more conditional abilities that the other one has unconditional, or the like.
Of course overall Might of old Krosa is effectively better than Monstrous Growth, since you'd have to build an entire deck around this card to make it more advantageous than this one, e.g. with (commonly red) cards that profit from casting sorceries or having them in your graveyard. Or just imagine getting a Déjà Vu of this amazingly awesome, totally playable Monstrous Growth! Isn't that worth it? Err, bad example maybe...
Posted By: Mode (5/27/2011 10:56:15 AM)


@ ClockworkSwordfish, not really. i agree that it is better, but stricktly better it is not. if you have no other cards in your hand (and thus cannot activate its ability) than this card is worse than the growth. So while not strictly better, i would agree that it is in fact better.

oh wait, never mind. I misread it. I thought it said 'another spell' not this spell.
Posted By: bijart_dauth (3/5/2011 8:15:10 PM)


strictly worse than giant growth
Posted By: sethddickess (12/31/2009 5:01:07 PM)


I love it.I just think it should cost more mana.
Posted By: Progle (8/10/2011 7:18:33 PM)


I have been searching and searching for a fill card in monogreen infect. this is it.
Posted By: heavyterror (2/13/2012 3:12:41 AM)


Its strictly great, that's what it is. +4/+4 for Green just with that little drawback? And it ain't even a big deal, just use trample and all is hunky dory.
Posted By: Thanatophagous (3/6/2012 6:30:09 AM)


Titanic Growth is not too shabby, but I like this because it has a giant mouse :)
Posted By: DarthParallax (3/28/2012 2:36:35 PM)


I think it's great in a U/G infect deck. Invigorate and Mutagenic Growth are still the MVPs, but you might as well spend some mana. Who cares if you're playing it at sorcery speed if you're just going to dump it on a Blighted Agent anyway? Or pair it up with Distortion Strike - the Might here is less about messing with combat math and more about raw power for cheap.
Posted By: Kirbster (7/26/2012 1:33:33 AM)


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