@Guest: You forgot to take into account different reprints for each card, which brings the number to a much higher number. However, if you were to just consider one print of every card, and if there were 10,000 cards total, and you random-ed this card twice, the chances of that happening would be 1 in 10,000 EACH TIME. You can't just go adding chances together, that's not how it works.
Anyway, on topic: this card stinks, but back in the day, it was... ok.
Posted By:
(12/29/2009 8:19:51 AM)
Fun vintage facts: This card was once restricted in Type 1.
Posted By:
(1/15/2011 7:48:14 AM)
I successfully used this in a Meekstone deck back in early '96. A permanent +1/+1, on the other hand wouldn't have worked out as well since most of my creatures wouldn't have been able to untap on my next turn.
Posted By:
(1/18/2011 7:45:23 PM)
Seventh edition art is the worst thing that ever happened to magic.
Posted By:
(11/15/2010 1:13:16 PM)
Why the *** did they make this cost 4?? At 2, it would be fair, because it costs 1 less than Glorious Anthem, and Glorious Anthem affects your creatures at all times, and it gives them a toughness bonus. But a 4 mana, this card is just bad!
(If you didn't know it costed 1R, then go look at the Alpha version)
Posted By:
(9/17/2009 6:18:12 PM)
oh, man! i just pressed the random card button like 5 times and this card came up twice! there being over 10,000 different magic cards, what are the chances of that?! i suppose 2 in 10,000...
Posted By:
(4/21/2009 8:51:26 PM)
Guys this makes your Storm Crows and Chimney Imps 2/2 Flying beatsticks! Just one of them out takes your opponent from a 20 turn clock to a 10 turn clock.
Posted By:
(8/22/2011 12:22:35 AM)
This seems rather slow, but at least that balances it out for the fact that it's just an uncommon, not a rare.
Posted By:
(3/10/2012 7:18:49 PM)
@nammertime, that's American public school system for ya...
Posted By:
(4/1/2012 1:28:38 PM)
Don't any of you legacy players kid yourselves.....This card sucked even when it was first printed.
Posted By:
(4/12/2012 7:42:23 PM)