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Community Rating: 1.839 / 5  (28 votes)
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Ooo, that's a nice Pyroclasm. But it's not going to do anything to my creatures.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (8/3/2010 11:54:29 PM)


Try Fortify.
Posted By: mrredhatter (10/26/2009 9:16:33 AM)


I like this card because its flavor text expresses the disappointment and cynicism inherent in being a creature summoned in Magic: The Gathering. To be born or to die, to take life at its own pace, to do violence to another whose only crime is to have come into existence by the machinations of another, these are choices we players take for granted. Who's to say that, left to their own devices, Amrou Kithkin and The Fallen might not put aside their differences and be kind to one another? Sangrophage might not act with such seeming malice were it not for the human hand that guides his path, and some scholarly pursuit might await Bloodcrazed Goblin save for our maddening influence. Floral Spuzzem was the last of a breed long dead, a subordinate Prometheus who dares to pluck the flames of sentience from the brow of his creators, whose haughty rebellion ever damned him to the obsolescenc... (see all)
Posted By: zackhammer (12/27/2010 9:56:55 PM)


Lets you turn that army of Saprolings into actual blockers!
Problematically, they'll still only have 1 power to go with their 3 toughness, so there you have it.
Posted By: Weretarrasque (9/25/2009 2:21:21 AM)


Wow. Nice a.nalysis man, i was just going to write "nice flavor text"...
Posted By: divine_exodus (2/1/2011 7:35:24 PM)


this card needs to cantrip (draw a card) for it to be good. Still could be good verses red decks tho, if your playing weenie. Then again, just play Brave the Elements.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (4/9/2012 4:24:21 AM)


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