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Community Rating: 2.810 / 5  (29 votes)
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Poor Rag Man, wants so badly to be a spectre... but just fails :(
Posted By: Mudbutt_on (12/20/2009 10:54:30 PM)


i want this card because its called 'Rag Man'. so awesome!
Posted By: qaq456 (12/10/2010 1:08:05 AM)


Should have been called Rag Woman for the sake of reference lol
Posted By: Mike-C (3/5/2011 6:51:02 AM)


I once thought this was my best card. It was the first card that made me realize that cards could be good for reasons beyond their power and toughness.

I don't know what's sadder, the fact that I used to think that this was my best card or the fact that this probably was my best card.
Posted By: BegleOne (7/18/2011 2:21:06 PM)


I remember being happy when this was reprinted in 4th Edition since I had missed out on The Dark and it was one of the more interesting cards in the set... yeah, what was I thinking?! It is interesting, but very overcosted. I also doubt they'd print such a clunky mechanic these days: look at their hand, then discard a creature card at random from it... lengthy!
Posted By: Radagast (9/22/2012 8:30:03 AM)


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