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Community Rating: 2.203 / 5  (37 votes)
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It always used to give me a chuckle to play Flight on Sea Serpent or Island-fish Jasconius. The fact of the matter is, blue's decent creatures all ready HAD flying (Phantom Monster, Air Elemental), making this card kind of mediocre in a pure blue deck. It was easy to splash, however, and in a green deck, Flight made quite an impact.
Posted By: Eppek_the_Goblin (3/14/2010 9:03:55 PM)


No, no, no., in green deck flight removal made quite an impact.
Posted By: tavaritz (7/6/2011 2:56:48 PM)


I like the wording. And the art. This must be the woman who summoned those twenty Flying Men.
Posted By: Salient (12/16/2011 1:52:20 AM)


has nothing on shimmering wings but it can get a strong flier out early cause its so cheap to play
Posted By: aba1 (1/3/2010 9:35:07 PM)


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