I think it's a bit overcosted... but still playable.
Posted By:
(8/11/2009 11:41:53 PM)
It is playable. Don't depend on it too much though, rather play one as a silver bullet and have a way to search for it. The card advantage is nice.
Posted By:
(3/1/2010 12:49:19 AM)
i think it's pretty strong, but obviously comparatively expensive for artifact/enchantment removal. I stilly really like it though, especially in a slow game like EDH.
Posted By:
(4/8/2010 3:41:21 PM)
I'd prefer Slice in Twain, but this is more splashable. Depends on how badly you want that card I guess.
Posted By:
(3/6/2011 7:39:27 PM)
Pretty bad on its own, but I guess in block format there's not much else.
Posted By:
(5/1/2009 6:28:37 PM)
Ice Age Block has Disenchant...
Posted By:
(9/20/2009 11:56:09 AM)
Depends on the format. The slower the format, the better this is. I like it in multicolored Commander decks. There, this having only one colored mana makes it easy to play in a multicolored deck, and the slowtrip is nice too.
Posted By:
(7/31/2012 4:46:12 AM)
Woah woah woah woah woah. A green card with draw? This is pretty solid in mono-green EDH, I wouldn't knock it too hard.
Posted By:
(4/5/2013 9:43:51 AM)
"What happened to your Unflinching Courage?"
"It melted."
Posted By:
(3/8/2014 11:02:56 PM)