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Community Rating: 4.357 / 5  (63 votes)
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12 >
Cheap to play and a nice early flying creature, great in any zombie deck or any black deck that wants some protection from white. Come late game its amazing at keeping angels at bay such as Baneslayer. Also keep in mind that since the newest coreset we have much worse issues with white removal.
Posted By: Silverware (12/2/2009 9:51:25 PM)


Ride for Wrath! Ride for Ruin! And the Red Dawn!
Ride Now! Ride!
Death! Death! DEATH! Death!!!
D E A H T H !!!!!

16 Knights
1xWhite Knight
1xBlack Knight
1xStromgald Crusader
1xWhite Shield Crusader
1xSilver Knight
4xBlood Knight
1xKnight Exemplar
1xKnight of Glory
1xKnight of Infamy
1xPhyrexian Crusader
1xMirran Crusader

Here's where it gets interesting:

5 Clerics (21 creatures)
1x Kaalia of the Vast
4x Stoneforge Mystic

3 Big Dumb Monsters (24 creatures)
1x Akroma, Angel of Wrath
1x Griselbrand
1x Bogardan Hellkite

4 artifacts
1x Akroma's Memorial (of course I was going here)
1x Sword of Vengeance... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/29/2012 4:31:15 PM)


the nu pump knight
Posted By: gasimakos1 (9/1/2009 12:12:49 PM)


White Shield Crusader + Stromgald Crusader = Stillmoon Cavalier?
Posted By: raptorjesus69 (9/19/2010 6:38:57 AM)


DUDE THIS IS SO GOOD. not as good as stromgald knight
Posted By: inmypants22 (8/24/2009 8:31:38 PM)


He's certainly good at what he does! Very versatile, excellent card. Can really do some damage in a zombie deck with lord of the undead, death baron, cemetary reaper, undead warchief, and zombie master. I made a deck with all of them!
Posted By: Flavros (4/18/2010 2:15:27 PM)


Right on. The main weaknesses of a Zombie Tribal Deck are flying creatures and white removal. This guy fills the gap and with Lor of the Undead, and/or Zombie Master, he regens after blocking those damned angels. With enough zombie lords, he can kill Baneslayer!
Posted By: Carnophage_4ever (8/15/2010 10:36:42 PM)


White Shield Crusader looks like he's belting out some operatic tunes.
This guy, however, is METAL.
Posted By: Discoduck (5/31/2011 10:13:25 PM)


Evil viking riding black pegasus. 5/5. Strong card too, though you'd think from the picture he'd have more toughness.
Posted By: Bobth (9/23/2011 8:47:18 AM)


Seems perfect for the 2 drop slot for zombies.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (8/12/2012 4:23:57 PM)


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