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Community Rating: 3.979 / 5  (48 votes)
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And then he laughed. This sums up the flavor of this card.
Posted By: Goatllama (11/27/2010 5:30:34 PM)


Best flavor text ever.
Posted By: blugrn1989 (5/7/2011 3:13:31 AM)


Poor thrulls. I always feel bad for them in the arts where they look pathetic :(
Posted By: Nickajack (6/21/2011 8:36:06 PM)


Sometimes you don't want to "waste" a Dark Ritual on something mundane. Thats where this guy comes in handy. Drop him on turn 1, swing with him turn 2 (or not, whatever), then get an extra {B} out of him to drop a 3CMC whatever on turn 2. Strictly better than a LOT of other 1-drops, that's for sure.
Posted By: cathode01 (3/12/2011 4:37:42 PM)


He kind of looks like my grandmother's new cat
Posted By: AngelxLegna (4/26/2010 9:02:50 PM)


Amazing card. Run quite often in its time and I suspect it'd be run in the current standard to if it was given a core set appearance. Gives you a 1/1 for 0, effectively (as long as it survives so you can sacrifice it later). Plus black mana-ramping is always nice. Dark Ritual is better. But this guy is also a Thrull. There's a lot of good Thrull cards out there like Soul Exhcange that this little guy works great with.
Posted By: kitsunewarlock (6/1/2009 1:42:48 PM)


The first card I ever saw, before I played magic and made fun of tapping lands to produce mana.

Next card was a mountain, I can't seem to find just the right one, with my luck it was the one from Arabian Nights.

Lets see, then it was the entire Demonic deck, vs. my friend's Divine Deck

I picked up the game really quickly then I picked a color.

Green, after playing I learned, I made the right choice, Red was another choice, which I now know would have been the worst choice for me.

Then I played an 8th ED starter green deck

Then I got the Alara Domain deck of Conflux

The rest is history!
Posted By: ICEFANG13 (9/6/2011 3:48:08 PM)


it was a looooong time until wizards printed a better 1 drop. the only black 1 drop before that was any good was Stone Throwing Devils.
Posted By: MasterBlaster74 (3/17/2014 6:58:12 AM)


Its a great 1 drop to give you extra reach on turn 2.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (5/30/2013 9:12:13 PM)


This card fueled many a game and strategy in my earlier more casual days. Between Rituals, Grave Pacts, and Mortivores, this guy had an awesome home.
Posted By: TheTacomaster (3/7/2014 12:17:20 AM)


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