I would rather have this than intrepid hero (if I had to just have one and not both).
This is mainly due to the fact it is an instant and has more flexibility with cycling. Intrepid hero takes another turn after casting to work and, chances are, it will be removed, however, its presence may is rather threatening and may, at the very minimum, cause some slight hesitation from other players. I'd rather slap them silly when they are not expecting it though :P
Posted By:
(8/31/2013 7:41:16 PM)
That guy in the art doesn't look like he has power 4 or greater.
Posted By:
(1/12/2011 11:58:58 AM)
Why is Reprisal rated higher than this. Ok this costs
more, but this can be cycled if not needed. IMHO: tie.
P.S, It seems that Urza's Legacy was the firt set where legends get two spells named after them. This was expanded to planeswalkers also.
Posted By:
(8/29/2011 12:04:46 PM)
A targeted destroy effect? In white? Sacrilege!
Posted By:
(5/8/2012 5:55:29 AM)
"That guy in the art doesn't look like he has power 4 or greater."
Actually, it's not uncommon for a creature card with high power/toughness to represent a group of creatures that typically have a low P/T. Some examples are Mass of Ghouls/Rotting Legion (zombies), Naya Sojourners/Ezuri's Brigade (elves), Scuzzback Marauders/Boggart Mob (goblins), Thraben Militia/Vindictive Mob (humans), and Jackalope Herd (bunnies).
Posted By:
(12/21/2012 10:33:40 AM)
Try Intrepid Hero.
Posted By:
(10/27/2009 6:21:34 AM)
useful in a Fluctuator toolbox deck, or in an Astral Slide deck. Or both at once
Posted By:
(12/30/2010 7:39:55 AM)
Good against Naya.
Posted By:
(8/27/2009 7:09:37 PM)
I like it, cycling makes it never a dead card.
Posted By:
(9/19/2012 9:31:41 PM)
i like how this "pop a giant" effect is elspeth's trademark nowadays, granted i like just about every card with an interesting effect
Posted By:
(4/19/2014 12:03:12 AM)