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Community Rating: 4.572 / 5  (187 votes)
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In EDH it's basically a super cheap double creature-to-the-battlefield tutor, that can be played in a Primal Surge deck. The hard part is finding a combo that is fun but doesn't end the game immediately.
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (9/27/2013 11:37:12 AM)


I like the part where this is basically a four mana Tooth and Nail, entwined. That seems balanced :P
Posted By: izzet_guild_mage (5/18/2010 12:16:10 PM)


wtf let me get this straight, can you trigger this than bounce it to your hand, so you dont have to sac it.... ??? if you can than wtf... this will go straight into my artifact/simic deck, how did this see print.

(the last ruling leads me too believe you can bounce it to you hand after it triggers than you can keep it)
Posted By: Ava_Adore (3/15/2011 2:23:58 AM)


Posted By: Tynansdtm (5/15/2011 12:47:11 AM)


Bah-roken. It's tooth and nail against any not-creatureless deck. Oh wait, did I forget to mention it's only four mana?
Posted By: Dark_Raider (11/13/2009 8:54:21 AM)


I was just browsing through the Urza block cards to see just what level of ridiculous I could find and just oh my god...
It's like Wizards had some sort of civil war or something, that's the only way I could describe the apparent nonexistence of the development team on this set- they were all killed off by the designers.
Good lord this isn't even the number one rated card.
Posted By: TPmanW (2/19/2011 11:51:00 PM)


Sure, I'll take a Darksteel Colossus and a Platinum Angel.
Posted By: own-dizzle (7/26/2009 8:50:27 PM)


If it's so broken, than can someone show me the dominating decks that run this in their formats. Even paste formats like the standard envirment it was in.

I'm not saying it's not broken, I'm saying I can't find it in all the winning decks. It's probably one of those "amazing in casual but kinda sucky in competitive."
Posted By: wolfbear2 (2/7/2010 12:19:24 AM)


I've had one for a while, and just traded for two more. Now i just need some big/combo-y creatures with support and i am set.
Posted By: jsttu (3/15/2011 9:32:10 PM)


Hunted Troll, Forbidden Orchard and Varchild's War-Riders are some of the heroes for this one.
Posted By: markarmor (1/31/2011 11:17:49 PM)


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