I only just noticed that this is the only one from its cycle that didn't use one of the Ravnica keywords:
Tolaria West: Transmute, from Dimir
Dakmor Salvage: Dredge, from Golgari
Keldon Megaliths: Hellbent, from Rakdos
Llanowar Reborn: Graft, from Simic
It seems odd that they'd set up that symmetry, and then break it-- They could have given this Forecast, or Haunt, or Radiance (Convoke wouldn't really make sense, on a land).
Posted By:
(8/7/2011 9:53:46 PM)
@syrazemyla: Hrm...I kinda like it. But perhaps we could combine the mechanics this land already has?
Forecast -
, Scry X
I only use X 'cause I can't think of any particular number, but still. I like the idea of a land you don't play.
Posted By:
(3/10/2012 1:25:00 PM)
Gah that city looks so pretty. Kudos to the artist.
Posted By:
(6/22/2011 11:20:24 PM)
Now strictly worse than Temple of Abandon, Temple of Triumph, and two other lands coming in the rest of Theros block....
Posted By:
(9/6/2013 12:32:30 AM)
This is definitely the Future Sight of the Zendikar common spell-lands. I'm surprised because according to the development articles for Zen, the common spell-lands weren't added in their current form until near the end of development, yet this card shows that the idea had been around for a while.
Posted By:
(3/17/2011 10:20:41 PM)
This is the worst from its cycle, and strictly worse than the Theros scrylands. I think this would be limited playable if it scryed 2, but at scry 1 lots of times it doesn't do a thing.
Posted By:
(9/6/2013 3:08:12 PM)
awesome, land with scry = awesome,
however the comes into play tapped clause is detrimental especially in white,
it has limited and edh potential but beyond that there sin't anything to add.
Posted By:
(11/11/2008 6:53:47 PM)
In casual games this is not a bad card at all. Scry 1 for coming into play tapped is just fine. In the right deck, and arguably in most decks this is not a real drawback at all.
Play alongside Halimar Depths if you want to go deep!
Posted By:
(6/9/2012 5:22:18 AM)
Nice, but really should be scry 2.
Posted By:
(2/1/2010 12:03:44 AM)
A land with Scry is great, and people who enjoy thematic decks will love the inclusion of the oft-mentioned Benalia.
Probably underrated, especially since it has strong combo-capabilities.
Posted By:
(1/15/2010 10:10:26 AM)