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great quality of the card aside, the art is really cool. Shows the same terrain, just in different states.
Posted By: Akromar (10/12/2009 11:58:06 AM)


Notice that boom is "destroy" not sacrifice.
Posted By: Moosecadet (11/15/2009 5:24:54 PM)


Following Moosecadet's lead:
Darksteel Citadel
Terra Eternal
Darksteel Garrison

Edit: @tcollins
Well don't I feel stupid...XD
Always, always those TINY details that screw me up. *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*
Posted By: Flyheight (2/8/2011 5:08:07 PM)


You forgot Strip Mine and Wasteland, but I suppose your friends would stop playing with you after such a flamboyant display of douchebaggery.
Posted By: Ragamander (1/11/2012 11:06:32 PM)



Terra Eternal would make all lands indestructible. Meaning that if you cast Boom both lands would be indestructible. That's a pretty efficient way to waste {1}{R} and a split card...
Posted By: tcollins (1/25/2011 3:15:18 PM)


awesome artwork
Posted By: Hand_Bannana (11/23/2009 3:41:10 PM)


wonderful art by john avon
Posted By: Denizs (4/15/2010 6:33:02 AM)


What a pity Bust is 2 costier than Armageddon, yet i'm still confident we'll get a timeshifted red version of this someday.

Yet this is still a great split card, especially since Boom is easily exploitable:
SInce targets of a spell only have to be all legal when you cast it, and one legal one before it resolves is enough to keep the spell from getting countered, when targeting one of your own lands you can respond on this spell and sacrifice it.
Choose any Fetchland (being 16 in total - five from Onslaught, five from Zendikar, Terramorphic Expanse and the old ones from Visions), Flagstones of Trokair, Ghost Quarter or similar lands that can be sacrificed or have an effect when they go to the graveyard - Gods' Eye has some use as well for instance - and voilá - you get some sort of 1Red Sinkhole.
Posted By: Mode (10/28/2009 6:14:06 AM)


Provided cute tricks with Terramorphic Expanse. It also gave an Armageddon to Signet heavy decks in RAV/TSP T2.
Posted By: bark_at_the_moonn (11/16/2008 11:30:19 AM)


6 mana to ruin all the combo and control decks seems fine in edh. This can let you take over the game if you can keep doing things after casting it and they have to set up to do things again. Also this card is busted w/ cascade. You see what I did there ;D
Posted By: Ligerman30 (4/7/2013 11:43:03 AM)


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