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Community Rating: 4.118 / 5  (51 votes)
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This card brings back good memories.
Posted By: redsoxftw (3/5/2011 7:46:15 PM)


I find it interesting that even though this card is solid, it's also in most cases generally worse than three other cards, but none of those three others are outright broken. I guess we can go with an edict roll call:

Cruel Edict: Specifies opponent, which means it can't be Swerved back at you.
Diabolic Edict: Instant speed
Chainer's Edict: Has flashback, albeit at an extremely high cost (5BlackBlack)
Warren Weirding: Can be pointed at yourself to turn one Goblin into two, with Rogue powers if you're into that. But your opponent has the same choice, and even though against your average Goblin deck Edicts are pretty worthless anyway, there's still a chance your opponent is running some one-off goblins like Boros Recruit.
Posted By: Tanaka348 (2/13/2010 5:10:12 PM)


He seems a little nonplused by getting his skull removed. Maybe he has a backup.

Though yes, it would have been nice in M10- it's generally outshone by Doom Blade, though.
Posted By: DoctorKenneth (11/24/2009 6:30:50 PM)


M10 not back, T^T
Posted By: Perapat (8/10/2009 8:24:23 PM)


diabolic edict is better, but despite that, this is still a good card..
Posted By: zenitramleirdag (8/24/2011 2:19:21 AM)


You got nothing on Gatekeeper of Malakir! Nothing!



I mean that this card has nothing on Gatekeeper, Gatekeeper is clearly better therefore this card cannot compare to it.
Posted By: divine_exodus (11/1/2011 7:24:28 PM)


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