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if this went on top of your library it would be miserable.
Posted By: metalevolence (11/18/2009 2:44:38 AM)


In a world of creature power creep, it's surprising that drudge skeletons is still a decent card.

Or maybe it isn't surprising. After all, what this basically does is nullify one of your opponent's creatures, which presumably has gained all the benefits of the power creep and is therefore well worth nullifying.
Posted By: Baconradar (9/16/2010 4:42:13 AM)


A good blocker, and that's all. But I still like it pretty good. I just have a little bone to pick with the artist, lol. I would prefer the skeletons to not have the red dots in their eye sockets, and no spikes down the backs of their skulls and elsewhere. It makes them look too fake. Just make them with no eyes, and a human skeleton. Plus it would look scarier, and more realistic.
Posted By: JandS (1/19/2009 1:07:11 PM)


The only thing this card has going for it is flavor, and there it really shines. Nothing says undead like a skeleton that won't stay down.

Playability is a different issue. It is over costed as a 1/1, and it's ability is a total man sink. In order for this to be of value on the battlefield, you must accept being one or more mana down from a tempo basis.

In the end this card simply has too high of an opportunity cost.
Posted By: aegis_magi (6/5/2009 9:05:19 AM)


as for the art, I think it is fine, there are many more hummanoid creatures other then human, and how is a skeleton supposed to move if it is not enhanced by magic

as for its playability, there is a card in Alara, Death Baron, Skeletons get +1/+1 and death touch, still best as a blocker, but you could enlist it for full out swing
Posted By: Dingo777 (5/2/2009 9:55:00 PM)


Solid In Draft Its There For Blocking Big Ground Creatures So Strong Against Green And Usually All Those White First Strikers. I Like Him I Think He Does The Magic World Good
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (8/9/2009 11:35:36 AM)


If this card could be played from the graveyard or went on top of the library when it died it would be even better, both as to playability and flavor.
Posted By: Gilgamesh3000 (6/23/2009 5:20:12 PM)


He can also be equipped with a sword of vengeance.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (1/30/2013 6:00:52 AM)


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