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Community Rating: 3.329 / 5  (35 votes)
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Well here's you average Zombie, 3 cmc, 2/2 with a special abilty. 3/5. Decent common.
Posted By: Curious_Homarid (9/17/2011 4:27:20 AM)


ah Severed Legion, one of the few cards with fear that immediately conveys through its art why it has the ability.

1BB for a 2/2 zombie with Black's classic evasion ability is nice on its own, then you bring out Lord of the Undead, Undead Warchief or have them pick up some equipment, like a Loxadon Warhammer, and the screaming starts.
Posted By: Sorain (4/1/2012 4:24:53 AM)


I've really gotta hand it to 'em, they sure have made a handy card right there!

*Is bludgeoned to death for illegal use of puns*
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (9/1/2012 9:55:31 PM)


This was one of the first cards I ever owned. Ran x4 with x4 Dross Prowler, x2 Spellbinder, and x3 Cruel Revival. Had a Call to the Grave as well. That was my first "combo" deck lol.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (12/11/2012 7:29:40 PM)


Viable in limited formats and budget constructed.
Posted By: AlphaNumerical (8/31/2009 12:45:17 AM)


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