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Community Rating: 2.921 / 5  (38 votes)
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Hehe ... "walls aren't so hot anymore", good one. The art has a nice feel to it, has the look of a bonfire with expansive capabilities.
Posted By: BalmyWafflefoot (10/1/2011 2:56:49 PM)


walls aren't so hot anymore but at least this one had an advantage over its bretheren back then in that it could kill stuff it blocked, if you had spare mana laying around.
Posted By: davidhuman (5/3/2009 12:49:40 PM)


Decent, allows you to kill off an opponents creature if they attack, but more likely it will cause them not to attack, getting you an extra turn to do what you need before they rush you.
Posted By: jsttu (2/12/2011 7:19:32 PM)


haha, this version of the card doesn't say "until end of turn."
Posted By: herpdaderp (7/15/2011 10:11:06 AM)


@herpdaderp: For a brief while (during the Revised era), the rules said that all power/toughness changes only lasted until the end of the turn unless the card explicitly stated otherwise. Obviously this was horribly confusing -- everyone assumed that Atog, say, got a permanent +2/+2 boost.
Posted By: Aquillion (6/13/2013 1:39:43 PM)


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