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Community Rating: 4.107 / 5  (56 votes)
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Amulet of Vigor makes this broken. Oh, wait, someone already said that. Sorry.
Posted By: land_comment (2/26/2011 1:16:37 PM)


Winter Orb has a new friend...

I have a Winter Orb/ Seismic Assault deck. I splashed green literally for this one card. Casual deck obviously, but so much hate this deck gets, it's funny lol.
Posted By: endersblade (8/7/2012 1:02:29 AM)


Surprisingly good with Wasteland.
Posted By: Salient (1/29/2013 2:11:30 PM)


Internet Decks Lame has the biggest truth of it. So I'll add to it by saying:

Biggest issue with this card is dealing with it yourself. Amulet is an ok way to go but you won't want to mulligan until you have both and they are both meh in multiples (most of the time.) I recommend Green Sun's Zenith and Dryad Arbor T2 so you can accel passed root maze, then move on to 3-drops like Yavimaya Dryad, that way you're on 5 mana at the beginning of T4. Garruk Wildspeaker can help with this card as well.

Combine them all and you can hopefully be on 5-6 mana on T4 while your opponent is struggling to get 3-4. If you start adding Land Destruction, Hand disruption, and/or other control elements from other colors, you'll be hard pressed to find opponents who can survive the slow-down.
Posted By: blurrymadness (8/19/2013 9:43:50 AM)


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