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Unlike Wirewood Hivemaster, this guy makes elven tokens, which could be great advantage in the end when using cards like Elvish Promenade, Jagged-Scar Archers, Immaculate Magistrate, Elvish Branchbender, Elvish Archdruid... and many many more... so I would say he is actually better then Hivemaster. I can wait for a turn or two longer to have this one, not to mention that he is able to hurt your opponent a little if needed and makes better blocker.

Absolutely sick in elf decks...
Posted By: Narim (10/8/2010 3:26:51 PM)


Horrifying to be looking down the barrel of, and probably a rarity fail, but forgiven since Lorwyn block was amazing.
Posted By: bfugitive (4/27/2011 7:11:55 AM)


that's a very cheap card in tribal to get elf tokens (which are likely to be pumped up by other effects), considering that besides the mana cost of the card itself you don't have to pay for the tokens at all.
having still a solid 3/3 body for four mana, this card has indeed some potential.
Posted By: Mode (7/26/2009 7:02:30 AM)


I was really surprised to see this guy as a common, the big brother of Wirewood Hivemaster (in some aspects the Hivemaster is better because he is faster and produces tokens when your opponents play elves). He gets a lot of attention at the casual multiplayer table, 4 out of 5 times he gets removed immediately in our group.
Getting tokens for your Eyeblight's Ending or Nameless Inversion is also nice to have.
Posted By: holgir (9/8/2009 7:36:28 AM)


Lys Alana Huntmaster+Imperious Perfect+Elvish Promenade+Rhys the Redeemed
What else can I say about the evil listed above? Nothing.
Posted By: malkix (11/29/2009 8:40:48 PM)


use this with elves
Posted By: Buderus (11/4/2013 3:16:25 PM)


i like it UNSTOPPABLE ELF ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: Lord_of_phyrexia (6/25/2013 7:37:14 AM)


I'm surprised to see so many positive comments here about this card. I expected at least a few Huntmaster haters . .

Anyway, I like it. I think it's ok, but I find that by the time I have 4 mana to spend (which is nearly immediately 'cause, ya know.. elves..) I'd rather cast something else. I pack 2 in my Elves deck, which has 4 Bramblewood Paragons and 3 Imperious Perfects.

Huntmaster + Paragon + Perfect = 5/5 trampler. (Wren's Run Vanquisher is a 4-of for this same level of threat).

I've tried out Obsidian Battle-Axe to further synergize with the warrior-tribal theme (Paragon + Perfect + Axe = 7/6 trampling, hasty Huntmaster (or death-touching Vanquisher), but found that it's better to just pack more elf spells instead.

And my understanding is that if you cast Elvish Promenade with Huntmaster on the field, Prom-night triggers Huntmaster before it resolves, and that's an add... (see all)
Posted By: MagnusMtG (12/1/2013 9:00:50 PM)


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