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Community Rating: 2.853 / 5  (34 votes)
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I think it's funny how he's apparently some sort of giant mage, yet also has an incredibly stupid look on his face. Or he just has a stupid face. Either way, it makes me laugh.
Posted By: Zulp (12/12/2009 8:58:25 PM)


I liked the harbinger cycle... but this is just too expensive. The treefolk one was good because it was one mana, and teabagged wall of wood all day.
Posted By: VoidedNote (10/25/2010 10:14:47 PM)


Ugh isn't there a card with lower mana cost than this?!
Posted By: Quang (3/10/2010 9:42:28 AM)


@Quang: Go to "advanced" search, add CMC < 5, and you'll find what you're looking for ;)
Posted By: Belz_ (1/23/2011 10:59:25 AM)


Grab Inferno Titan I guess?
Posted By: Nameless_Here (8/11/2011 6:33:44 AM)


Uh, this guy is a Giant who tutors for another Giant. There's Bloodshot Cyclops, Valleymaker, Borderland Behemoth, Sunrise Sovereign, and Hamletback Goliath. That's a pretty good pool to choose from. Don't forget the classic Craw Giant. He's strong, too.

If you're having trouble getting enough mana to cast him, one of two things is likely to be the problem. The first thing that could be wrong is that you're playing fast or competitive one-on-one Magic. You should stop that. The second problem you could be having is not designing your deck to be capable of producing lots of mana. If you have a 5-costed 3/4 tutor creature, you're gonna need to put cards in your deck that help get more mana. If you make sure to address these two issues (fast Magic and/or lack of mana boost), you should be okay, and ready for some fun games of Magic. Enjoy!
Posted By: humor_love (3/26/2012 9:13:08 AM)


the first time i saw this card i though the name was giant harbringer as in a big harbringer
Posted By: qaq456 (5/22/2010 12:23:17 AM)


This guy only likes the cherry flavored everlasting gobstoppers. Stinkdrinker Daredevil
Posted By: lorendorky (7/9/2011 10:03:30 AM)


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