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Community Rating: 2.530 / 5  (33 votes)
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looks like art from Monty Python
Posted By: Champion_Kitsune (10/25/2009 9:09:47 PM)


This card is a lot of fun. I have one in a cube I built, and it is a pain to be on the recieving end of one of these.
Posted By: krumtheslow (10/28/2010 4:04:11 PM)


Just to clarify for the previous two comments, all monsters in magic are British and find their prey via echolocation. Can't believe you guys didn't already know that. I guess a multi-use prevent damage is okay. But Pacifism in white, Paralyze (or just Doom Blade) in Black, I know blue has some things don't untap, green can just block it, and who wastes time on stuff like this in red?
Posted By: InternetNinjacy (7/19/2010 6:44:46 AM)


This lets you reinterpret the Annihilator effect of Emrakul, the Aeons Torn as the world's most gigantic hand thrashing around trying to smash the blasted alarm clock.

You just know the horn has to sound like a wet fart. Look at it.
Posted By: Salient (8/22/2011 1:26:28 AM)


Doesn't make sense, deaf people can still hurt you
Posted By: ByakuyaKuchiki (7/11/2009 3:54:09 PM)


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