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Community Rating: 2.905 / 5  (37 votes)
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But can shades be saved by Swarmyard? Hmm, can they? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Especially valid since this partially hinders removal from destroying them the instant they come out, when you cannot pump them above incoming burn, which is an annoying issue with shades.
Posted By: Tiggurix (5/22/2012 4:06:16 AM)


For whatever reason, back in the day Carrion Ants and Killer Bees were considered amazing and folks were happy to see them reprinted. Games were slower back than, so inflatable creatures had a role to play... I honestly can't think of the last time an inflatable creature has been played in a tournament level deck, so times have changed.
Posted By: Radagast (11/3/2011 11:13:56 AM)


One of the bad cards that 4th Edition lowered value on. People used to pay a good hunk of change on this back when it was in Legends. Now many years later it can still be bought from Legends relatively cheaply.
Posted By: Hovercraft (8/29/2010 9:44:06 PM)


One of the best black pumpables. Why it's rated so low?

Posted By: tavaritz (5/9/2011 6:18:07 AM)


high cmc but guys pump for colourless 1? that's never worth only a 2/5
Posted By: Wormfang (9/5/2011 3:51:57 AM)


An interesting creature, the colorless activation for the creature makes it somewhat more splashable...I used to play with this creature quite a bit back in the old days...
Posted By: Guest57443454 (11/25/2009 11:21:54 AM)


The best version of this card, since it's the only one with the random attribution "General Chanek Valteroth".
Posted By: BorosGreengrocer (1/17/2014 6:18:36 AM)


Should never be rated less than a 5. With sacrifice shenanigans plus a clorless pump ability, this was a SOUGHT AFTER card, and a finisher for a LONG time.
Posted By: Psychrates (2/2/2014 10:16:00 PM)


Back in the day, when games were slower, you could sneak this through with Dwarven Warriors and smash face, pumping it after it was already unblockable for the turn. It was considered a good card because you could pump it for any color mana, and gave you a use for that Dark Ritual hanging around in your hand late-game (that is, if you weren't going for a fatal Drain Life or Fireball).
Posted By: Equinox523 (3/5/2014 8:27:53 AM)


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