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Community Rating: 3.602 / 5  (83 votes)
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Put it in your Horobi, Death's Wail deck!
Posted By: Kryptnyt (5/6/2010 12:53:38 AM)


This actually looks to be very potent for a Momentary Blink deck. They try to cut down your creatures, you just set up the Haze, and not only do they come back, they trigger their effects again (not that this saves any X/1 creatures, but at least you get their CiP abilities to go off a second or third time).
Posted By: Skyknight (4/18/2010 10:16:37 AM)


This card and Momentary Blink as well as Cauldron of Souls make Scarecrow - Reaper King decks epic.
Posted By: BlackAndBlue07 (5/6/2010 9:09:15 PM)


Play this, then Terminate their Phage the Untouchable.
Posted By: Belz_ (5/15/2010 4:31:31 PM)


Ashnod's Altar and this. Wow. :O
Posted By: Molly.Llama (6/17/2010 10:58:39 PM)


Those witches look like they're getting freaky in that haze!
Posted By: Mudbutt_on (7/20/2010 1:26:14 AM)


Some other crazy combos can be done with this card. Specifically with cards like Siege-Gang Commander, Boggart Mob (Champion Siege-Gang Commander), Mogg War Marshal, Sprouting Thrinax, etc.
Posted By: Xsamuraizx (7/31/2010 1:31:11 PM)


Ive been running it in a Teysa, Orzhov Scion deck. I'll wait till im gonna lose a few 1/1s and then i play this. They die twice and trigger Teysa twice. Cheep double token effect. Also not bad at keeping her alive as well.
Posted By: XTwistedsoulX (9/4/2010 6:53:40 PM)


I'm the third person to wonder about the community rating and give this card 4/5.
It won't be able to save x/1 creatures of course, but aside from that you can either only save one orall creatures on your side with toughness 2 or more. And this might either happen through combat damage or any m^ass removal effects.

Since you can choose to give this effect to any creature, it might be useful in teamplay as well, and you could even save an opponent's creature if it comes handy.

And all that at instant speed for a colorless and a hybrid mana, that's seriously not a bad thing.
Posted By: Mode (8/10/2009 6:07:02 AM)


ok not quite sure why people are rating this card so low. think about it. if there is a big combat step, or someone resolves an earthquake/volcanic fallout or what have you, you can save ALL of your creatures by spending 2 mana, they are all just slightly weaker. very useful. 4/5
Posted By: Grimn777 (8/2/2009 5:46:54 PM)


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