A very flavoruful card, but is far too slow to serve any practical use...It could also serve to tap down a creature for three turns as well.
Posted By:
(11/25/2009 12:24:31 PM)
If the boost was bigger, it would be worth it.
Posted By:
(12/4/2009 6:44:03 PM)
Vampire Hexmage breaks this! ...sortof
Posted By:
(7/26/2010 9:19:57 AM)
There were a few attempts to emulate the metamorphosis of butterflies in early Magic. None of them really worked out.
Posted By:
(10/25/2010 2:50:21 AM)
Only thing I can think of is to use something like Power Conduit with this. If you get 2 Conduit-esque cards out to use with this, you could have a creature with +3/+3 and flying for 1 mana and a tapped creature.
Not a very good green aura, but I'm sure a Johnny out there could make use of it.
Posted By:
(11/21/2010 6:12:02 PM)
Insanely flavorful. Cool, cheap, but pathetically weak.
Posted By:
(1/14/2010 8:11:06 PM)
I dig this card's flavor. Who doesn't want to turn Gerrard Capishan, leveler, or rag man into a butterfly?
Posted By:
(10/28/2009 12:07:20 AM)
Such a terrible card...... 1/5 for Pupa counters ;D
Posted By:
(10/19/2009 9:45:24 AM)
Pupa counters ;D
Posted By:
(8/27/2009 4:12:48 PM)
You've got to be f******ing kidding me.
Posted By:
(10/14/2009 7:17:37 AM)