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Community Rating: 4.509 / 5  (172 votes)
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Emrakul doesn't have haste.
Posted By: Henrietta (9/6/2011 11:27:38 AM)


how about this combo turn 1 forest exploration another forest corrdanant crossroads
turn 2 forest gaea's cradle tap two forests for rofellos tap rofellos for priest of titania
turn 3 another priest of titania now you can tap for 12 15 on next turn
turn 4 harmonize, drop land, mana redemption
turn five strength of tujuru put 27 +1+1 counters on them
turn six overwhelming stampede swing for 123.

Posted By: goldstar971 (12/24/2011 10:52:03 AM)


What's so wrong with lots of mana? I mean, you could hate on Braids, Zur, or any other hideously annoying general...and you hate on the happy, drinking, singing elf? Dude.
Posted By: bakofried (3/8/2010 8:50:19 PM)


I always debate whether this or natural order is the best card in my mono green deck. I'm thinking natty o, but this is just an essential for mono green. Turn 1: forest, Joraga Treespeaker, turn 2: forest, level up joraga, put rofellos in w. joraga. Turn 3: forest, tap rofellos joraga, and you have 8 mana in the pool. T3 Khalni Hydra, with 2 mana to spare.
Posted By: sancrosact (6/16/2010 7:30:32 AM)


Its not banned because 99/100 rofellos is greeted with a nicely placed lightning bolt, terror, swords to ploughshares, shock....

Take your pretty bow and away with you
Posted By: JacksonRex (8/11/2010 4:48:12 AM)


As for the combo that's currently (as I write this) at the top of the most popular comments, I'm pretty sure the problem there is Gaea's Cradle.
Posted By: dlgn (5/5/2012 11:04:49 PM)


An incredibly powerful EDH general, because you can basically set all your spells as 6-drops, because once turn three rolls around you've got 6 mana. OH BABY!!!
Posted By: Gilder_Bairn (5/17/2010 5:57:31 PM)


A turn three Ant Queen pumping out pumping out 4+ tokens on turn four scares me when I know that Overrun is green.
Posted By: Eved (5/29/2010 4:30:21 AM)


as good as people say this card is they still undervalue it, my friend runs a deck that plays darksteel collosus turn four.....every game
Posted By: MrDressup (5/30/2010 5:17:03 PM)


I seriously cannot believe that any Magic designer EVER thought this was a remotely good idea for a card....

The truly laughable aspect of the card isn't the so-obviously-broken ability that anyone could see EXCEPT Magic R&D - it's the fact that they apparently thought it would be underpowered if they didn't give this elvish EMISSARY a power of 2. (!)
Posted By: reapersaurus (3/29/2011 4:22:32 AM)


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