@Metalevolence: Er. Morningtide isn't even in the same block as Zendikar.
As for the rating on this card, really people? A Wind Drake with utility is only 2.5/5? You unpleasable bastards.
Posted By:
(5/21/2013 10:41:37 PM)
Solid, but try hunting triad in you're elf deck instead. Elves don't need other colors since they printed Mercy Killing
Posted By:
(8/3/2010 12:20:20 PM)
Pretty good for a common, especially in limited. I always have liked cards that have two modes.
I'm sorry for not understanding random Gatherer conversations, but what is up with people putting this in an elf deck? Am I missing something?
Posted By:
(5/26/2013 3:52:56 PM)
Goes great with joraga warcaller in an elf deck. He is def. a staple in my elf decks now. Especially since I have two of him now. This card can pump him up, thus pumping up all other elves in play. Simple but effective combo.
Posted By:
(3/7/2010 7:34:40 PM)
this with joraga warcaller? how about strength of the tajuru? ...from the same set.
Posted By:
(1/9/2011 12:36:02 AM)
Kewl flavour
Posted By:
(1/15/2011 6:44:26 AM)
op in elf decks pls nerf
Posted By:
(2/17/2013 2:09:06 PM)