One of the greatest color-hosers of all time. An enchantment that screws a color that is predicated on speed and traditionally has no way of dealing with enchantments. I think I'll take 4.
Posted By:
(2/11/2010 10:05:06 AM)
Having played Red for as long as I have played magic, I cannot stress enough just how devious a card like this would be to ANY deck, since 75% of red decks focus on speed. 4/5
Posted By:
(3/19/2011 7:48:16 PM)
should be a snow enchantment ;D
Posted By:
(8/12/2012 6:56:50 PM)
Not as potent as some other color hosing spells, but I always assumed blue had weaker color hosing since it had spells to change the color on them to what-ever your opponent is playing. This is going in my Slight/hack deck.
Posted By:
(12/29/2010 4:10:10 PM)
The fact that you can have this in play on T2 (and another next turn, if you're lucky enough to have one in hand) basically destroys a mono-red opponent.
Posted By:
(1/15/2011 3:57:35 PM)
Posted By:
(10/18/2010 8:09:24 AM)
Flavor text should read: "Temper, Temper" ~ Slim Shady
Posted By:
(4/29/2012 12:03:03 AM)
combo with storm crow
Posted By:
(7/31/2010 8:59:32 PM)
Great card to slow your opponents burn down. combined with counters just awsome
Posted By:
(12/9/2009 10:47:46 AM)
Indeed, a great card. And since there's not a whole hell of a lot of enchantment removal, as ArtBell so kindly pointed out...well, splash if you wanna survive this one.
Posted By:
(5/24/2010 4:37:42 PM)