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@EGarrett01:Mudhole can hose specific cards like Worm Harvest.
Lapis Lazuli Talisman can be a combo maker(make a land tap for 9 mana using Fertile Grounds or Mana Reflection effects, then cast Capsize forever).
Sorrow's Path is actually kind of funny if you use it with Velkadan Plotter and Mind over Matter to kill an opponent.

I can't find a combo or a hoser for Seafarer's Quay or Great Wall. I guess since I'm counting Mudhole as a hoser for Worm Harvest, I should count Great Wall as a hoser for Aysen Highway.
Posted By: Kelptic183 (7/23/2012 9:25:14 PM)


@Dr_Draco - That link was kinda cool...especially since it shows that Hornet Cobra was supposed to fly.

@Psuedonaut - It wouldn't work properly for two reasons:
1) This requires the sacrifice of untapped Forests.
2) Fastbond deals damage to you for each extra land you play, so unless you have infinite life, you're gonna burn yourself.

@raptorman33 - The elder is much better than this pile of crap...turn 2 2/2 is average for Green, but it'll get much bigger so much faster. Harrow, Bountiful Realms, etc make the elder a much better option.

@TheWrathofShane - Still bad, yeah, but quite a bit more playable than this (especially since you could sac tapped Forests).
Posted By: Alsebra (8/24/2012 8:49:40 AM)


Just look at it! That insidious look in its eyes! Fear the Wood Elemental!
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (12/19/2012 11:28:39 AM)


Combos with Animate Land + Mirrorweave + any infinte creature combo. inf/inf Wood Elemental.
Posted By: Eluem (1/19/2013 8:05:14 AM)


The art is subliminally telling you to sack at least four forests as to make him bigger than soldiers... how bout no...
.5/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (3/3/2013 7:39:18 PM)


Only Vorthos could like this card: it's a single elemental made by slapping a lot of Forests together.

But even he cannot forgive how bad it is.
Posted By: BigBer (3/21/2013 3:52:53 PM)


So broken. Turn 1 Black Lotus, Horn of Greed, Forest, Fastbond, 19 more Forests, Bountiful Harvest, 20 more forests, Wood Elemental (sacrifice 20 forests), Necropouncer, equip, and swing for lethal. For those counting, you should have exactly enough cards to do this if you always draw the opening hand with the right pieces. Try it at your local vintage tournament! Sideboard plans include: 59 forests, Black Lotus, and your choice of Lost in the Woods or Witchbane Orb. Easy 5 stars.
Posted By: laocoon3.0 (4/24/2013 8:49:48 AM)


Devastating Summons is so much better. Poor guy. He was a rare too
Posted By: gut.gemacht (5/5/2013 10:07:28 PM)


Your Wood Elemental doesn't deserve a place in my deck, but it might make a good coaster for my drink!
Posted By: WhatTheWhatTheWhat (9/23/2013 9:48:33 AM)


I'm glad they clarified that the *s are in the lower right-hand corner. Not sure I could have found 'em otherwise.
Posted By: Salient (12/8/2013 5:47:43 PM)


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