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Community Rating: 1.860 / 5  (43 votes)
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If I may ask, please direct your attention to a card named Holy Day; it prevents most of the damage this card would prevent for a fraction of the cost. Oh, and it's common. Oh, and it has artwork that doesn't have the hideous hairless gremlins that are Shadowmoor's kithkin on it. Enjoy!
Posted By: Treima (5/8/2009 7:23:15 AM)


A casting cost of 1WhiteWhite wouldn't break this card.
Posted By: holgir (8/18/2009 1:07:57 PM)


Overpriced, but it does have one thing over Holy Day: It doesn't prevent damage to your opponent's creatures. being able to take the punch out of your opponents attack, and kill many of the attackers with impunity has to be worth something.
Posted By: ForOfTrumps (8/21/2010 4:39:08 PM)


I got two of these turds in as many packs. But the rares were Thunderblust and Figure of Destiny, so I still love Eventide. And the next pack had Soul Snuffers right next to Necroskitter.
Posted By: blindthrall (12/24/2009 1:46:51 AM)


Angel's Grace is a better demonstration of Endure. Then you get to Flail or Endeavor
Posted By: Kryptnyt (2/13/2013 6:17:17 AM)


The only thing this does that Safe Passage doesn't is protect Planeswalkers (a new addition to the game in this block. Lorwyn, specifically). If you have no critters to block and they swing out at your 'walker, Safe Passage only says 'your creatures' while this says 'your permanents'. Then again, Holy Day would do the same thing in this situation. As for burn, the 'your permanents' line doesn't make a lick of difference. They have to hit YOU then redirect it. Preventing damage to you will have the same effect.

Not saying that is worth the cost of this thing, just trying to explain where Wizards' minds were at.
Posted By: OmegaSerris (9/22/2011 7:00:17 PM)


Clearly a mana cost of {2}{W} didn't break this card. Safe Pas sage prevents almost everything this does, with the exception of combat damage to Planeswalkers you control. This is hideously overcosted, and they tried to hide this failure at uncommon in an obscure set. But they were found out!
Posted By: Rainyday2012 (8/25/2009 1:57:53 PM)


If I may ask, please direct your attention to a card named Safe Passage;it prevents all of the damage this card would prevent for a fraction of the cost. Oh, and it's common. Oh, and it has artwork that doesn't have the hideous hairless gremlins that are Shadowmoor's kithkin on it. Enjoy!
Posted By: Grimn777 (8/2/2009 5:59:31 PM)


Garrison Keillor got his own card!
Posted By: Leitmotiv (1/30/2012 1:51:43 PM)


Excellent effect on the card. The price is too heavy, needs to be around 3 CMC, maybe 1WhiteWhite.
Posted By: gloggz (2/20/2012 12:58:19 PM)


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