Now, beware my Earthquake, Storm Crow!
Posted By:
(4/28/2010 9:07:42 PM)
Love it for the flavor; look at Kinsbaile Balloonist if you haven't!
Bad cards but nice fluff; I feel like a lot of Morningtide and Shadowmoore have tons of flavor.
Posted By:
(4/19/2011 6:07:58 AM)
Cool card, especially as a mirror to Kinsbaile Balloonist.
Cooler still is that this was predicted on a card creation message board in 2006!
(look for Windrider, from 2/2/2006)
Posted By:
(11/8/2010 2:37:58 AM)
I agree with blindthrall, he deserves better then a 1.9 rating. I also have used him in a flying focused white/blue deck and he is very useful for taking down any threatening blockers your opponent might have for a turn.
Posted By:
(6/23/2011 10:36:22 PM)
In an all-flying deck, it pulls its weight. You're going to have more fliers than them, and grounding the biggest will at least force some uncomfortable decisions, if not just getting all your attackers through unblocked.
Posted By:
(5/23/2011 9:53:40 AM)
4 mana for a 2/2 flyer is crap, but it has an ability to shut out other flyers, making it playable in draft.
Posted By:
(1/22/2009 3:21:02 PM)
What's with the creepy Underkith? Pretty strange card overall. It's like they wanted to make a Flying with Reach, but realize that was silly so they gave it... Some sort of weird Super Reach. Not a lot of use for such an ability, though. Doesn't seem like there are a lot of Flying heavy enough to require such a thing to kill them off.
Posted By:
(3/26/2010 3:17:47 AM)
A Kithkin Soldier? In blue? That's random.
Posted By:
(5/9/2011 9:31:55 PM)
The only good thing is the art. Funny !
Posted By:
(3/20/2011 12:16:36 PM)
Why is this in blue? Green is supposed to have the flying hate.
Posted By:
(7/25/2011 8:16:38 PM)