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Community Rating: 3.108 / 5  (37 votes)
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They worship the worst land in the game?
Posted By: PhantomDust (4/2/2012 11:56:39 AM)


Interesting idea. I like the flavor of an elemental striking out at everyone, regardless of loyalty to the summoner. I think the trick to this card is to use it with spells like drain life, to keep ahead of the opponnent. maybe pestilence or pyrohemia as well.
Posted By: jsttu (1/16/2011 11:12:57 PM)


Also pretty good in 3+ player games. I did 24 damage in one turn with one of these, spread over 8 players.
Posted By: TechpriestBravo (11/30/2011 2:35:14 PM)


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