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Community Rating: 3.575 / 5  (60 votes)
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Wow, good against myr tribal...
Posted By: use643 (11/27/2011 5:23:56 PM)


I've tried this card in multiplayer and it just doesn't do enough. Sure, it's occasionally good against certain decks, like rampy ones that play lots of lands, but most of the time it's just ineffective. It costs six mana and it can never really lock them out of anything. If you have no creatures, they can just cast their first creature and beat down on your empty board.

I've just never really been happy to draw it. Maybe if you really built around it, you could do something, but at that point you're building your deck for the purpose of stopping anyone from playing anything, which seems...not much fun.
Posted By: mutantman (7/21/2010 11:34:27 PM)


This card makes enemies in multiplayer.
Posted By: Catmurderer (1/16/2010 8:36:36 PM)


@Warlord: Land Tax isn't banned in Commander. It's overpowered and could totally use a fixed version, but it isn't banned.

I like this card for keeping the game in check, which is totally possible without breaking it, but not likely for anyone to show such restraint.
Posted By: sarroth (12/1/2012 7:20:45 AM)


@CrymsonReign: If you suspended those creatures before Ward of Bones was played, then your opponent would be making a huge mistake by playing his Ward of Bones, since your creatures, all of them, would still come into play.

This card is good with mono-green and huge beaters, Cataclysm + Empyrial Armor, or Balance. A bit costly, though.
Posted By: nammertime (12/31/2009 11:27:25 PM)


This card played in multiplayer (EDH, casual, etc.) is one of "those" cards.

You know, "those" ones that make everyone cringe, like Sorin Markov and any of those old banned white cards (Limited Resources, Land Tax, and Balance). Thus is why these cards (minus Sorin) are banned.

I'm surprised this hasn't become banned considering it's terrible way of making a slow game like EDH even slower. Another underrated card that is one of "those" cards is Oppression. It slows play down to such a halt and can be played on turn one (Dark Ritual and this isn't too uncommon) that it makes you one of "those" players who you don't want to play against.

Another one is Contamination: another 3-cost black enchantment. Instead of just slowing play, you could entirely cancel out an opponent with a simple combo using it and Sheoldred, Whispering One... (see all)
Posted By: Ferlord (1/14/2012 1:10:18 PM)


Someone made the mistake of playing this in a multiplayer match after his blight steel collosus was pathed. I guess it made sense at the time, But considering I was running Mayael as my general, I got a lucky flop into Primeval Titan. A turn or two later got a vorinclex, which allowed me to do a massive genesis wave. Sure someone wrathed after, but with the land advantage I just played praetors council and killed his ward, allowing be to poop out all my goodies.
Posted By: LightToasted (2/12/2012 6:34:16 PM)


Run with guys that can sacrifice themselves, and lots of big, splashy permanents.
You won't get the most out of the land effects, but you will virtually guarantee a superior field position.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (2/14/2012 8:04:57 PM)


Played against this in EDH once. I didn't have any enchantments, so I was able to play Aura Shards. Then I stuck out Rhys the Redeemed and let the negotiations ensue.

Overall, a pretty neat card. It makes EDH games get really political, but it's definitely not broken.
Also, the art is beautiful in a haunting, eerie and unnatural sort of way...
Posted By: ParishInquisitor (2/15/2013 6:26:41 PM)


Posted By: Lord_of_phyrexia (6/23/2013 9:01:35 AM)


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