It's never a good day when this hits your Precursor Golem.
Posted By:
(7/20/2011 4:39:09 PM)
@Gabriel422 Your wish is to be granted with Smelt coming in M13.
Posted By:
(6/28/2012 9:35:49 PM)
Yet another superior Shatter variant!
Posted By:
(2/14/2009 7:34:52 AM)
very good, esper weeps when this card is played.
Posted By:
(10/10/2009 9:04:32 PM)
Come on, Wizards, admit it - barring 'metal world' situations, Shatter has been outdated for about 10 years.
Set the new standard at R for an artifact destroyed. Now. You can do this.
Posted By:
(11/25/2010 12:06:29 AM)
Posted By:
(12/14/2010 2:07:40 PM)
Rats, doesn't look like they're reprinting this in Scars of Mirrodin...
Posted By:
(9/9/2010 4:14:37 PM)
Actually, lava spike only hits players, so you're both right. I would probably call it more lava spiky, but it's really both, you know?
But yeah, seriously, it's sorta depressing that new cards are strictly better than old variants (i.e. this and shatter, the new galvanic blast and shock, terra stomper and force of nature...well, you get the point).
Posted By:
(9/13/2010 3:21:06 PM)
A Shatter variant with a free Lightning Bolt included?
At any time!
Posted By:
(7/20/2009 11:29:11 AM)
@Channel Blaze
To be fair, some cards have to be improved for people to consider them decent. Shock is way newer than Lightning Bolt, both are common rarity, and there are plenty of strictly better cards than shock. I believe Burst Lightning is the same way (2 damage that can instead be 4.) Why does shock exist? Because there is a need for other cards in some decks to deal 2 damage. Maybe you want Shock Lightning Bolt Galvanic Blast Burst Lightning etc all maindeck.. for some reason. Point is, that's not power creep, it's just bad card design.
Terra stomper IS better than nearly everything green has to offer in a vaccuum, however in green blue you could easily throw your Force of Nature to the opponent, tap it or toss it back into your hand, and use it as a backwards unblockable way to deal 8 damage to an opponent. Creativity in Magic is the ability to utilize a downside for a significant upside, and i'd say near unblockable 8 damage to an opponent would be worth the effort, especia... (see all)
Posted By:
(10/3/2010 2:48:06 PM)