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Community Rating: 3.586 / 5  (29 votes)
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This has to be a snow creature. Thinking about it, he is really not a bad creature with two evasion abilities which can be very relevant in the right matchup. Give him a try in multiplayer.
Posted By: holgir (8/25/2009 3:44:03 AM)


A great creature, a Hill Giant with two relevant abilities...It would be flavourful if it was a snow creature, but the snow concept didn't exist back then...
Posted By: Guest57443454 (11/29/2009 8:54:18 PM)


Not that bad at all. It is a Hill Giant with 2 potentially useful abilities (though rarely at the same time) for 2RR. Given how many lousy Hill Giant cousins red has gotten since this card was created, I think it is safe to say that this fella deserves to come back the next time they have a snow-themed set.
Posted By: Radagast (11/3/2011 1:20:55 PM)


Look, a playable card from Legends! Not a bad Hill Giant variant, considering it dodges Swords to Plowshares and other white removal, and creatures, with ease. Also a relevant landwalk against other red decks, though Lightning Bolt kept this guy from being too commonly played.
Posted By: Equinox523 (7/5/2013 8:20:28 AM)


Smitefully fun against those white token decks! I like this guy a lot two abilities make him quite playable if only he was time shifted = ( Would be fun against those pesky oblivion rings detention spheres and path to exiles.
Posted By: Budden (1/27/2014 6:19:49 AM)


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