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Community Rating: 4.738 / 5  (432 votes)
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i hate this card..hate hate hate...evry game i play in type 1 im always thinking...hmmm do they have a force in their hand? evry type 1 blue deck should have a few
Posted By: theabyss (12/3/2009 3:31:31 PM)


Force of will sucks because it's card disadvantage!


Who am I kidding? Best damn counterspell ever, except maybe mana drain.
Posted By: MetalCrisis (7/8/2009 10:21:19 AM)


I have to agree with Dr. Jones that Force of Will is really powerful. I think it should be banned in Legacy only. In Vintage, there are so many turn 0 and turn 1 threats that restricting Force of Will in Vintage would not make sense.
Posted By: ClowWizardEriol (10/26/2009 2:50:37 PM)


Wizards: Please give every legacy player who paid a zillion dollars for multiple playsets of these a big middle finger by reprinting this in M13.
Posted By: Paleopaladin (7/16/2011 11:59:15 PM)


"That's a very nice Force of Will you've got there."
-Superfrasse, Magician of Nix
Posted By: Superfrasse (10/19/2011 7:03:08 AM)


Force of will...
C-C-C-Combo breaker!
Posted By: SPhoenix (7/17/2010 5:34:10 PM)


Bad card? *** no
Good card? No
Best card in the game? No
Great card? Yes

Why only great, because you will almost always have to use it's alternate cost.

"it already is broken!"

No, answering one card with two cards, no matter when or how, will never be broken.
The mono-blue permissions deck w/ nothing but counters and card draw is the only deck I've seen that makes this scary. And don't tell me how good this is against combo decks, that's specific to meta. And I'm not saying don't use it, I'm saying it's not broken

Still, an amazing staple for blue. Worth it's price-tag? Eg, probably ( I won't pay more than $20 for a card )
Definatly not broken
Posted By: BlackAlbino (6/1/2011 8:38:43 PM)


The card is still annoyingly good. The art is still awful.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (11/16/2010 4:17:32 PM)


Worst in the terrible cycle of complete card disadvantage. Terrible, terrible card. 0.5/5
Posted By: Sk8er_Boi_1999 (9/9/2011 7:18:58 PM)


As great as this card is,
I will always prefer Mana Drain.

All the same, Mana Drain won't save you from a first round kill,
so I'm glad I have both.
Posted By: drpvfx (10/26/2011 12:20:49 PM)


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