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Even without mana burn this still is not bad, you just stack your deck right to abuse it. Most likley, your opponents deck will not be prepared to handle this much mana this early. Then again you drop this and they drop a turn 3 wurmcoil T_T
Posted By:
(3/9/2012 6:40:10 AM)
This card was never a "good source of Mana Burn". It only speeds up good players and MIGHT punish less experienced ones. Since all you have to do is think "1+1=2, so 2+2=4" to keep your mana straight, you only had to watch how you cast odd-cost cards, saving the little -cost cards to fill the blanks, maybe.
However, as skilled players show... paying life for a winning advantage is worth the loss... because you'll win.
Of course, with numerous methods to produce more than one mana with a land, that becomes totally moot, with the only problem being maybe casting super-low-cost cards late in the game, or if the boost gets too high too early in the game (for about... one turn).
They took out Mana Burn because it has simply become no more than a MINOR HINDRANCE at best, a ONE-TURN-WIN strategy at worst. Read their statement on it, rather than whine about it and throw blame around.
As for this card itself... yeah, in 3+ games it can help keep you alive (being the Mana Outsource), but in... (see all)
Posted By:
(4/7/2014 8:18:53 AM)
Group hug in Red, sure, but does it bone?
Posted By:
(4/20/2014 12:07:21 AM)
This was THE mana burn card. They said they took it out because it only ever effected noobs that didn't know better, but I bet R&D completely ignored this card and Upwelling when making that decision.
EDIT: what the hell is "complexity creep", I swear magic plawers make up the weirdest crap. I learned the game when I was in second grade, and my brother had a mana flare; I knew exactly what the rule was, it doesn't take more than 2 short sentences to explain. No new rules will change that. Meanwhile since it's been gone I've seen hundreds of games it would have come up it, the people I play with make sure to comment on it every time.
This an absolutely fantastic card. Love it to death; it and Heartbeat of Spring find their way into every EDH deck that's color appropriate. I've heard the fact that it helps everyone is a disadvantage; maybe so, but it's extremely political. Who wants to kill the guy who's hooking everyone up?
Posted By:
(5/17/2014 9:58:07 AM)