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That's Jolrael on the art. Jolrael from the Mirage story, Jolrael, Empress of Beasts from Prophecy, that Jolrael.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (3/3/2010 4:54:23 AM)


For all you youngsters out there thinking lifelink is a new thing.
Posted By: Mike-C (3/7/2011 8:51:09 AM)


Put this on a serra avatar, watch out b%$#@s, Death comith for you.
Posted By: Bibblesbun (1/22/2009 3:46:50 PM)


man. this card is actually pretty great... if you cast it on one of your opponent's beaters, it's almost as good as swords to plowshares. on the other hand, you can cast it on your own creatures to drain your opponent's life. the only real drawback is that its an enchant creature, so it's vulnerable. two distinct uses, pretty much good in any deck, and it's only 1 mana. 4/5
Posted By: gasimakos1 (5/6/2011 1:43:04 PM)


It doesn't nullify enemy creature damage. It let's you gain as much life as you lost, but if Hypnotic Specter enchanted by this hits you you still lose a card.

And if the attacking creature deals you lethal damage you don't have time to gain it back.
Posted By: tavaritz (5/13/2011 1:55:09 PM)


This is not even close to as good as Swords to Plowshares as a removal spell. It's not an instant, it doesn't exile the creature, it basically just says 'enchanted creature can't attack', which is just not even a quarter as good as Swords to Plowshares. It does have the versatility of enchanting your own creature, but that's such a horrible option it still doesn't matter.
Posted By: Henrietta (8/21/2011 8:48:15 AM)


Back in the day, I used it on my own Force of Nature to avoid paying the heavy upkeep cost. Sadly, it didn't work on Lord of the Pit.
Posted By: SirZapdos (11/6/2011 5:47:05 AM)


Back in the day this handled Juzám Djinn nicely. The major advantage of this over Lifelink is the ability to mitigate enemy creature damage as well if enchanting an opposing creature.

As pointed out by tavaritz, this is not a substitute for pure removal - you still take the hit, so if it's fatal you die before life is gained back. If it's a damage-based effect, then you gain back the life, but still incur the wrath of Thieving Magpie and the like.
Posted By: Equinox523 (2/6/2013 1:00:52 PM)


Not technically Lifelink, so they stack. Serra Avatar gets 3 times stronger every turn with this and lifelink.
Posted By: EdgarPoeAllen (6/1/2013 4:25:49 PM)


Everyone is focused on the wrong aspects of this card. What we all should really be asking, is what the hell is she doing to that bat, and why does it have such a long tail?
Posted By: Kyric1899 (2/26/2014 4:56:36 PM)


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