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And here I was thinking that Ayumi, the Last Visitor had a unique ability.
Posted By: TDL (10/23/2010 5:09:27 PM)


Stops Tabernacle of Pendrell Vale....er, sort of. well, it was a nice thought. :P

like so many Legends, she needs more 'oomph', but her concept is actually solid. In other words, Legends as a set is a whole lot more awesome if you imagine it as a very neat design file that still needs the developers to smooth it all out, tighten up some inconsistencies, and in general fix...er...everything. But that's what developers are for, and why we have them now. :)

Posted By: DarthParallax (8/16/2011 3:13:34 PM)


I'd Tap that.
Posted By: TheWallinator74 (6/25/2012 9:00:12 AM)


Notice! {G} before {R}???! IMPOSSIBR{U}! :o

it's because the Legends color wheel starts on Blue instead of White....and because at the R/G pair, Naya and Jund just sort of...uhh...got things confused. Look at the other R/G; R/G/B Legends Legends! :)
Posted By: ParallaxtheRevan (10/29/2013 1:43:38 PM)


a decent legend, if she cost 1 less she would have been insane at the time...Legendary land-walk is just icing on the cake...
Posted By: Guest57443454 (11/29/2009 7:33:43 PM)


4/4 for 6? Outdated. But with two ability's it was quite strong for its time, even though the abilities do not have synergy.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (5/8/2014 12:56:01 PM)


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