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I really took them a while to figure out how to make a good artifact creature huh? Diabolic Machine is a perfect example of the Halcyon days when Juggernaut and Serra Angel were WAY over the curve.

The art is also not that great. The idea is that he's inside the machine trying to get out, but the art isn't to great at depicting that.
Posted By: OmnicromXR (7/28/2009 11:32:08 PM)


Old cards like this one had some pretty good flavor text though.
Posted By: nammertime (11/15/2009 12:14:05 PM)


I used to love this card in 5th edition back when I was just awful at Magic. It really needs trample...and of course less mana cost. Still a neat card.
Posted By: kitsunewarlock (2/26/2010 4:43:55 PM)


The original art looks a bit more like a Diabolic Maze.
Posted By: Kirbster (9/5/2010 4:22:55 PM)


it's the soldiers own stupidity, getting stuck between two gears
Posted By: ttian (3/24/2009 9:01:09 AM)


Get processed! like mancheese.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (4/14/2011 12:19:07 AM)


Given the name, one would expect a creature that wasn't a total joke. At least it doesn't have a crippling upkeep, unlike Mishra's War Machine, so I guess they were slowly learning.
Posted By: Radagast (11/4/2011 8:04:21 PM)


Juggernaut's not way over the curve. It's about on the curve. Serra Angel was "magnificently stupid" =) Because she was the cheapest flier in the game for, what, ever? Minus really bad blue cards that we still see nearly exact reprints of today, I mean. Serra Angel could actually race in the air, which no other creature to my knowledge could (we aren't counting Dark Ritual, because then I'd have to count Channel-Shivan Dragon). Except Serendib Efreet. I think that guy was pushed because Blue was supposed to have better Fliers, and just didn't, so they made the 'better than Serra Angel' flying creature...and it got banned XD

Su-Chi, just one two sets ago, I think trumps Juggernaut-- but back then they valued Trample more than gaining mana. Su-Chi would have been seen as an 'equal' card- you pay 4 mana, to get 4 mana. They would have compared it to Wrat... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/30/2013 4:55:46 AM)


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