"This doesn't have a creature type. It's Nameless."
Oooh, WotC. You clowns.
Posted By:
(7/20/2011 5:48:53 PM)
I love amusing rulings. This is my favorite, although having "x is redundant" twice is great too.
Posted By:
(10/18/2011 4:52:53 PM)
Survives the dreaded Endemic Plague and Skeletal Changeling combo.
Posted By:
(5/5/2012 11:13:51 AM)
Wait... is there a typo? the oracle text says it doesn't...
Ohhhhhh... I see what you did there WotC
Posted By:
(9/15/2012 7:20:01 AM)
Saw a guy at fnm tell a noob to run this in his Kinship deck.
Posted By:
(10/13/2012 2:12:31 PM)
Certainly not the best card around, but DAMN do I love that flavor. No creature type? Beautiful. 3.5/5 just for that.
Posted By:
(11/28/2012 7:48:18 PM)
I really wish this had been reprinted in Lorwyn... came close with nameless inversion, but i really want to see this printed with no creature type.
Posted By:
(12/10/2012 9:28:44 PM)
I know what his race is! It's the Fire Nation!
Posted By:
(10/23/2013 2:08:27 PM)
hahaha! his name should be nameless racist! He doens't like other white guys!
I played this card before Ice age came out and I thought it worked well. Things were different way back when, but he was a bad ass at the time.
Even now in some cases you could get a big huge trampling guy for cheap. It's not a much worse card than channel if you set it up right.
Posted By:
(6/28/2009 11:54:46 PM)
I think them not giving it a type was a flavorful point - it is very neat to have a creature that doesn't have any types. Even if it isn't a very good card, having no creature type at least makes it an interesting card.
Posted By:
(4/21/2009 8:11:10 PM)