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Community Rating: 3.617 / 5  (107 votes)
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Great, great card. Any environment which doesn't appreciate this card is broken.
Posted By: MidgetfaceKillah (7/30/2009 10:18:29 PM)


Because Spark Elemental just wasn't enough.
Posted By: ZEvilMustache (1/31/2009 8:30:06 AM)


I usually redraw until I get one of these in my opening hand, it's usually an easy 6 damage by turn 3 or you do 3 dmg on turn 2, then kill your opponents first creature. Great card.
Posted By: MightyMortox (8/5/2009 5:34:09 AM)


seriously, does nobody think this is a bit overrated?
Posted By: GengilOrbios (5/21/2011 9:21:24 AM)


Not the most efficient (2 Spark Elementals would be, but more fun, and so better.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (2/2/2010 2:35:52 PM)


Great card, Lightning Bolt on a stick.
Posted By: jhimbob (10/21/2009 1:23:24 AM)


This card is amazing in any deck that has room for it. It's an early 3 damage and then a win condition in the later turn :)
Posted By: boneclub (3/13/2010 4:24:09 PM)


The thing that makes this card great is not the fact that it beats face; nay, that is only what makes it a good card. The thing that makes this card great is the fact that it beats face twice, and that my friends, is why it is a great card.
Posted By: oHspoke (10/17/2011 8:43:30 PM)


The best part of this card in my eyes is the utility of the unearth. When you just can't get that card you need, or you're holding four lands and nothing useful in your hand, you always have the option of whipping these suckers back out of the graveyard for some easy damage or pressure. The second use of these mean elementals is why I run 4 in my red aggro decks almost every time. Certainly there are red aggro decks where this won't be an ideal card, but for most it's too good for the cost to pass up.
Posted By: Kuroth (5/23/2012 1:44:52 PM)


love suicide red! Completely throws off your opponent when you show so little care for the lives of your creatures. Particularly hilarious when used against those control players that have an incessant need to keep all their creatures alive, and destroy all your creatures. Throw these at them, and they just sit thinking "Wth am I even supposed to do?"
Posted By: Burningsickle (5/15/2014 6:36:21 PM)


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