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I love this card. Personally, I find it to be the best Battlemage. Card filtering is always welcomed. Telling your opponent he/she can't block with their beloved cards is also very handy. I love control and this card provides.
What really sets this apart is the artwork. Unbelievable how well this card looks.
Posted By:
(5/24/2010 9:21:00 PM)
don't forget that Grixis had all the unearthers in it meaning the discard ability could be exceptionally useful for pumping out a surprise creature for a turn
Posted By:
(5/24/2011 1:15:42 AM)
Decent for the card filtering, but certainly not the most useful abilities among the battlemages.
Posted By:
(12/7/2008 9:11:41 PM)
I find this to be one of the least useful cards among the battlemages.. as in still decent but not comparable to the others. It's merfolk looter esque ability is found on other cards, and a creature not able to block is nice but doesn't always come in handy.
Posted By:
(12/5/2009 10:13:15 PM)
I absolutely love the artwork, flavor text, and overall concept behind the Grixis battlemage. I just don't feel that the card is really useful, which is a shame.
Posted By:
(3/5/2010 10:56:08 PM)
You wouldn't be running this guy if having things in your graveyard was a bad thing, it's an balanced draw/discard engine that will throw away some unearth creatures or madness cards. Also one mana to tell them Bankslayer can't attack is always awesome.
Balanced card, been useful everytime I ran it.
Posted By:
(7/14/2010 7:35:33 PM)
Since the first time I saw this card, I have been sad it's not a zombie. I get the flavor, and I still want a zombie.
Posted By:
(12/12/2010 12:25:30 PM)
ıts best for my blue black red deck every abilities are good for me
ı have to hit opp. to discard
ı use graveyard ı can discard card easyly and drawing card is awesome
Posted By:
(7/14/2010 4:27:46 AM)
goes good with ZOMBIFY.
Posted By:
(7/18/2012 8:22:56 PM)
A passable battlemage. Works best when you need Merfolk looter, and your decks win condition is based off creatures. Still I am not sure if it merits running this over looter. Probably sweet in a reanimation strategy, he is a discard enabler and provides some behind the scenes evasion for your fatty.
I find this one the worst of the cycle, but its still passable.
Posted By:
(11/25/2012 2:21:31 PM)