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This seems like the perfect enabler for Grixis Unearth; not sure how others don't see it. Ditch a creature on their end step and then Unearth on your turn and make sure it swings through with his second ability. Seems good!
Posted By:
(4/26/2013 9:07:57 AM)
Love the abilities. In Grixis tempo/control, they're not to be underestimated. Card filtering is always good, ensuring your opponents can't block the way they'd like is added gravy. Note it can prevent chump blocking as much as it prevents big blockers. Plus, it's a 2/2 for three (something Black needs more of), which is alright for chump blocking if nothing else.
3.5/5 mainly for awesome art.
Posted By:
(9/12/2013 1:01:52 PM)