"Aven Trooper, we brought home a little brother."
Posted By:
(10/16/2010 8:34:27 PM)
Viashino Skeleton
Creature - Viashino Skeleton
probably the most noteworthy thing about this card
Posted By:
(4/10/2012 6:11:52 AM)
Once, on turn 6, I played this, you know just to make sure I could regenerate it. So, when my opponent threw a Lightning Bolt at it, I regenerated it discarding a Baneslayer Angel. Hah, blew up in his face, huh?
Posted By:
(2/2/2010 4:37:47 PM)
The only thing this card has going for it is that its strictly better than shooting yourself in the foot.
Posted By:
(8/28/2010 1:13:15 AM)
Shards had a lot of bad commons, but this...wow. I don't even see how it could be used in limited.
Posted By:
(7/13/2010 7:45:32 PM)
Goes well in my tribal shit heap deck.
Play this guy, drop a Coat of Arms, and for tribal synergy, I take a dump on the battlefield. He's instantly a 3/2. You underestimate him!
Posted By:
(5/12/2010 3:58:59 PM)
Awful card. The only thing memorable about it is that its name is the same as its creature types.
Posted By:
(7/27/2009 3:12:16 PM)
"Underneath the Dregscape lay the remains of creatures long extinct from Grixis."
Long extinct? I think I see why...
Posted By:
(2/25/2012 7:48:02 PM)
So it's badly overcosted - even in limited, 2/1 isn't good for more than 3 CMC at the most - and on top of that, it's got a horrendously overcosted ability? 2 mana + a discard just to regenerate, which you're going to be doing all the damn time if for some reason you want to keep him around, thanks to his 1-toughness body?
Even in my MtG infancy, when I was just starting the game as Shards was coming in, I saw this and knew it was a pathetically awful card. I can't believe this made it past...well, anywhere. It's a pity, too, because the flavor - hinting at a time long ago when the shards were still connected, etc - is actually interesting.
Posted By:
(3/26/2011 9:49:53 PM)