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Community Rating: 0.831 / 5  (299 votes)
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That's a high price to pay to get the Artifact off your Patchwork Gnomes.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (10/16/2011 11:33:04 AM)


I don't believe I've seen more copies of a single card being passed around the table in draft, pack after pack.

@Mode and @DartParallax: I think you guys put it best. The tiny body for its CMC, and the costly, costly regeneration waste its awesome flavor.
Posted By: Equinox523 (2/11/2013 2:51:52 PM)


Idea: take 1 off the casting cost AND the activation cost. Becomes good, non? :)

2/1 is good enough for limited. not great but ok.
B+disc for Regen- hey it's got a combat trick now! AND it can discard for unearth! :)

would still probably want it to be a 2/2 :P then it might be passing.

The DESIGN is just fine here- I want these kinds of things in decks.
The DEVELOPMENT is what's off- just a few number tweaking differences, maybe needed a keyword like haste or first strike...it is JUST SO CLOSE to being a neat card that still wouldn't get remembered for anything but limited, but would have been great in limited...all it needed was....Fixing. :P
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/4/2012 7:55:30 PM)


This junk is the only plausible discard outlet - enabling unearth - at common rarity in Shards of Alara (you don't want to play Blightning on yourself, do you?). And it is the only slightly positive thing I can come up with concerning a terrible card like this.
Posted By: holgir (9/8/2009 5:24:57 AM)


3rd worst card in the game currently.
Posted By: Shadoflaam (5/29/2011 4:39:48 PM)


Congratulations, Viashino Skeleton, you have been awarded the title of LOWEST RATED CARD EVER.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (1/2/2011 6:13:32 PM)


This card sucks. There's no arguing with it. It's 3R for a 2/1, already weak. On top of that, you have to pay 1B > discard a card to regenerate it. The card would still be bad if it cost 1R. I'd give it a zero, but it won't let me.
Posted By: BayushiKazemi (2/12/2009 4:03:18 PM)


Flavourfully, this card makes a lot of sense.

It's supposed to be an extinct creature, right? As in, the entire species of creatures died off?

What I'm getting at is that this creature WAS designed to be horrible. It's like if we found the bones of the Dodo and brought the species back to life: Do you think they'd fare well in this world? Not likely. They became extinct for that reason.

There is more proof that this was made intentionally bad. If you look through the Shards block, there are 7 other Viashino's. I was wondering, "If this is extinct, why aren't all the Viashino's?"

Until it hit me: This breed of Viashino was a victim of natural selection. This couldn't survive in the world around it, and unlike the other breeds, this one didn't adapt to the changing climates or (more likely), an Alara planeshift.

I'm not going to give it 5/5 for exceptional flavour however, because card game-wise, this a very awful creature.
Posted By: Ferlord (1/13/2013 3:04:37 PM)


Terrible as this card is, Numai Outcast is still worse. You can actually kill yourself with the Outcast...
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (5/15/2012 12:24:21 PM)


Wow. 2/1, And it has an off-color ability to make you discard for regen? And it has no evasion? FOR 4?

What ever happened to Drudge Skeletons?

Posted By: CorkBulb (7/31/2012 8:28:51 PM)


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