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This guy is the most fun of the herald cycle. Everyone's gonna jump on him to keep you from summoning a card that may or may not even be in your deck. Besides, he combos with Goblin Chieftain and Siege-Gang Commander, that's a plus.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (12/20/2010 3:05:48 PM)


You get a 1/1 for {R} so it's not bad to start with. Considering Jund has Devour you should have plenty to sacrifice. Off the top of my head there's Sprouting Thrinax and Jund Hackblade which count for any of the three colors, Dragon Fodder tokens, saproling tokens from the Thrinax or Mycoloth, and the Dragon's Herald itself. Now think about the fact that it puts an 8/8 flying, trample, haste with regenerate directly onto the battlefield. 3/5.
Posted By: SwordOfKaldra (4/27/2011 10:32:49 PM)


If the heralds had been commons and their overlords had been normal rares, this cycle might have been great for Limited (as well as being feasible intro pack material).
Posted By: Templar314 (5/14/2011 1:54:26 PM)


I was wondering if you can actually add this in zoo deck.
With so many one drops who know?
Posted By: Mogun (5/23/2011 6:52:10 AM)


Well....at least it's strictly better than Crazed Goblin...but not by much.
Posted By: tcollins (7/21/2011 3:38:46 AM)


Judging from the preview art for magic 2013, they'll be bringing this cycle back. Check it out on the daily mtg page before tomorrow(january 4th '12)
Posted By: FoxxyEDarko (1/2/2012 10:34:08 PM)


If he had haste we would talk. You cant build a deck around this only to pass your turn and getting blasted. RedGreenWhite 3 creatures plus Lightning Greaves and 2RedRed mana open?

Or you can just Buried Alive/Breath of Life. Much easier.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (8/2/2012 4:26:52 PM)


Combos with Hellkite Overlord
Posted By: flavioal28 (9/12/2012 12:44:44 PM)


2-card combo with Deathspore Thallid, if you have the time.
Creakwood Liege and Garruk Relentless work, too.

If you're playing mono-red, there are plenty of hybrid green Goblins:
Scuzzback Scrapper
Tattermunge Maniac
Tattermunge Witch
Vexing Shusher

And non-Goblins:
Wild Cantor
Burning-Tree Emissary
Gruul Guildmage

None of the cheap hybrid black creatures are Goblins:
Manaforge Cinder
Rakdos Cackler
Rakdos Guildmage
Rakdos Shred-Freak
Sootstoke Kindler
Spiteflame Witch
But Murderous Redcap is.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (5/8/2013 1:30:15 AM)


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