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Community Rating: 2.967 / 5  (61 votes)
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You could reanimate it without loss of card advantage
Posted By: Kryptnyt (3/17/2011 11:12:17 AM)


what a pity...such amazing art on such a boring card.
Posted By: ridiculousricky (2/14/2011 6:01:45 PM)


@Axelle: Well, it is also a black (living) dragon. That's quite rare.
Posted By: Tiggurix (8/13/2011 8:10:44 PM)


I saw the art and said, "Awesome" so I looked at the p/t and said, "huh, that's okay." then I looked at the mana cost and got excited, "Ah, that ability has to be awesome!"...don't read the ability.
Posted By: Jerec_Onyx (12/9/2012 8:38:38 AM)


This card rocks at looking good while sitting in your folder. To play, eeh, he's ok in commander...
Posted By: fourismith (2/8/2013 7:12:42 PM)


its a shame hes so average with such awesome art
Posted By: ThaBishop (6/22/2010 2:33:37 AM)


Boring and unfitting mechanic for a dragon, this sounds more like a specter to me.
Posted By: Sironos (9/5/2010 4:20:16 PM)


It's okay, but nowhere near as good or interesting as the other dragons in this set. Discarding a card is pretty dull as mechanics go, and the other dragons got sweet abilities.
Posted By: Elysiume (6/30/2009 8:40:44 PM)


2 stars for being a dragon, 1 for the lazer, and half a star for being a non-red dragon.
Black dragons are more common than blue or green dragons, but mono colored non-red dragons are even rarer.

I think Wizards thought that a mono-colored black dragon actually called Ebon Dragon feels pretty special. Not saying that would pass today's Vault's high standards, but it feels like the way they think...
although...a 'spectre' dragon is also pretty good. And they needed to balance the set's value.

Basically, if they hadn't invented Mythic Rares, I think he actually might make the cut for my 'revised From the Vault: Dragons' anyway. But....while I would be glad to get this as a rare today, I would not be glad to get it as a Mythic. And From the Vault is supposed to be unquestionably Mythic.

EDIT: From the Vault Legends sucked. Wish we'd had more guys like this in it. A cool card, from the good old days, with awesome art. HE'S FIRIN HIS LAZAH! What more could you ask for than that? Instead,... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (11/8/2011 8:26:55 PM)


Is that a dragon firing a laser from it's mouth? IT IS!
Posted By: armogohma (1/25/2011 11:53:40 AM)


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