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Community Rating: 3.591 / 5  (116 votes)
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Limitless combo potential combined with a Rhino Soldier makes for one splendid card.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (5/17/2009 8:16:59 PM)


I think that Doubling Season really wins here. Even the lamest cards like Spiritual Visit suddenly have a whole new meaning. Don't even think what happens with Spectral Procession.
Posted By: Jerom (6/1/2009 8:35:12 AM)


"This + Martial Coup = lots of 3/3 tokens facing an empty board. Booyah."

this is assuming you make less then 4 soldiers (doing it wrong).
or your sigil Sargent survives the explosion.
Posted By: thaviel (6/11/2009 3:00:39 PM)


The abilities don't stack, the 1/1 comes in as a 3/3 before the second ability resolves. Great card tho.
Posted By: jhimbob (8/13/2009 7:38:35 AM)


Bant colored. GWU. Three words. Glen Elendra Archmage.
Posted By: ShadowInsanist (8/23/2009 10:49:39 PM)


This guy got even more powerful when Conqueror's Pledge came out. Get six 1/1 tokens, turn them into 3/3's.
Posted By: SocialExperiment (10/6/2009 8:44:06 PM)


Awesome card. It really begs people to play tokens, and I think I might just do it. A token deck with Juniper Order Rangers, Sigil Captains & some good token producers seems like a great idea!
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (10/25/2009 1:21:49 AM)


Technically it wouldn't, because the Martial Coup would kill your captain as part of the spells effect as the tokens come into play.
Good idea, though.
Posted By: Ruztyz (11/1/2009 7:11:12 PM)


I have a question. If you have a Goblin Chieftain and Sigil Captain in play, what happens when you play a 1/1 Goblin?
Posted By: hunterewell (11/3/2009 5:15:18 PM)


@ Hokeymon yes it is true what your logic is based off of. I agree when I first read it (and other cards like it) adding a +1/+1 counter would not remove a -1/-1 counter. However in the rules, which I looked up to clear up my confusion, it specifically states that the addition of a +1/+1 counter to a -1/-1 counter will cancel them both out making it a +0/+0 (or in Sigiled Captains case a +1/+1 since it adds two). See rule 120.2 in the rules http://www.wizards.com/magic/comprules/MagicCompRules_20091005.txt

@ hunterewell It won't add any counters Sigil Captain triggered ability checks twice, if a Goblin comes into play with Goblin Chieftain in play the ability sees that the Goblin is a 1/1 and when it tries to resolve the Goblin is constantly a 2/2 so it won't work. It would work if that Goblin was a 0/0 because of Engineered Plague because it enters play as a 1/1.

As far as cards go every time I see this guy I think of Mycoloth/aut... (see all)
Posted By: ICEFANG13 (12/16/2009 1:26:27 AM)


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