i just feel bed for the opponent -second turn 4/3 flyer.where is the justice........"P
Posted By:
(7/26/2009 4:52:58 AM)
I like this guy. He is almost the parallel Wall of Denial( THOUGH OBVIOUSLY NOT AS GOOD), he gives you some offense while leaving your mana open for counters, maybe while setting up a good combo with a Donate/Lich deck or while you hit a dry patch in a Mill Deck and have no Mill spells. For three mana I think he has his uses.
Posted By:
(7/7/2010 1:55:49 AM)
Skulltap or diabolic intent this.
Posted By:
(2/1/2010 5:12:43 AM)
still works just fine; 4/3 flier can dish out dmg early game till u can get something worthwhile out...if anything, u cud at least deal 4 dmg to a player b4 sacing it
Posted By:
(5/3/2010 5:36:32 PM)
It's unstable, you're taking chances with it, and your opponent could have a much better board position by the time your opponent forces this thing off the field. It's a gamble that isn't worth it.
Posted By:
(11/30/2010 8:49:34 AM)
I think cheap equipment would suit this bloke really well. Basilisk Collar or Gorgon Flail perhaps.
Posted By:
(5/16/2011 3:13:19 PM)
A demon? Not exactly... not as awesome as current-day demons...
It's all just an Illusion...
Posted By:
(4/12/2012 7:32:43 PM)
cool card! nice piece to add to a deck that charges cards or levels up or the like
Posted By:
(7/12/2012 11:38:27 PM)
A- Use him with abilties. Guildmages work well, as do spellshapers. You get to "keep casting" without doing so. These are also often high-value cards because of the inherent card-advantage or tempo advantage they can give.
B- Use him with Ninjitsu. He's big for his cost and he's evasive. You either get card advantage from their blockers or you drop the ninja of your choice on their skull when 4 damage isn't enough or you need to cast some spells.
C- Use him with cycling; especially cycling cards that give you side benefits such as Complicate, Decree of Silence, Death Pulse
D- Stop being a pansy. You played Hell's Thunder and thought it was awesome right? Well this guy gets to stick around if you want. Use him as a slow burn spell that might just attract removal and them off him when you have something worth casting. Don't strangle yourself, just remember that getting 4-8 damage ... (see all)
Posted By:
(4/11/2013 12:14:54 PM)
I cannot believe I didn't think of that.
Thanks blurrymadness!
Though to be fair I may end up playing spells anyway. Hrm...
Posted By:
(4/17/2013 2:05:24 PM)