He's one of the rare male angel in the game of Magic.
Posted By:
(5/28/2011 5:55:35 PM)
The sad part is I've actually activated his ability four times in a single turn before
Posted By:
(7/17/2011 12:48:31 PM)
Screw off, Baneslayer.
It costs domain colors because you need all of the shards of Alara to join it to its "true" incarnation.
Posted By:
(7/29/2011 10:24:00 PM)
Knight the cost goes with the second card that matches this one (dragonsoul knight) and in flavor is due to the converging shards of alara. I agree, it would have been better if it was almost the same card, but took 3 different colors of mana, and then permanently gave it 1/1, flying, lifelink, and first strike, instead of its current set up. Since it already cost 3 then if you could find 3 colors of mana you could boost it, as though adding an enchantment (not disimiliar to asha's favor). Maybe they will do something to that affect in the next cycle.
Posted By:
(9/17/2009 2:01:18 AM)
Lolz, turn it into a Baneslayer for one mana of each color.
Posted By:
(5/22/2010 3:40:38 PM)
If you're working on any deck that has plains... why would you want this over White Knight/Knight of the White Orchid/Kazandu Blademaster? For white especially this is a sub-par card, given the range of 2/2 first strikers they have for 2 cmc. Even Razorfoot Griffin is better, albeit costing 1 extra mana.
Posted By:
(11/17/2009 8:14:37 PM)
I have won drafts as well as FNM meets because of this and the dragonsoul. On more than one occasion. Conflux is the set that truely busted out the raw form of Domain ability and just craps all over anything they tried it to do with it since Invasion onwards (in my opinion). The amazing pump ability combined with that permanent first strike means you will completely dominate combat phases. And make people mad at you. And throw cards all over the place when they lose. No joke. Thats 5 star quality if u ask me.
Posted By:
(11/16/2010 9:17:07 PM)
The ability to pump it into a Baneslayer works wonders for my domain deck.
The number of people who don't read it and miss the First Strike part is unbelievable. But maybe that's why they play in the casual rooms...
Posted By:
(12/22/2009 5:11:04 AM)
Awsome idea but stupid with the domain cost. Why would there be any need for black and red mana for creating the archetypal white champion?
Posted By:
(2/5/2009 5:40:50 AM)
i actually loved this mini-cycle, inspired me to make a WUBRG deck later on. if you have the open 5, go for it. however, i've changed. no longer are they anything to me but bigger tundra wolves that when mana gets poured into them, they become "spooky" for WUBRG i'd rather have Maelstrom Archangel , Child of Alara or if on a budget Fusion Elemental
Posted By:
(5/10/2013 9:56:03 PM)