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In my opinion the best ally there is, including the Blademaster , Warlord and so forth.

Allies are meant to be creature-heavy..28 or so, you play an ally every turn, you have protection every turn against whatever your opponent is playing, leaving your guys unblocked from the moment this guy is dropped.
Posted By: 1mtExcel (9/28/2009 4:42:44 PM)


What is wrong with people? This card in particular has some stuuupid comments.
"It would be better if it were till the beginning of your next turn, but that might make Allies broken."
"A kicked rite of replication on this guy gets you protection from every color." Probably not the best use for a rite of replication, but as I read this comment I give the guy more credit than previously.
"I wish there was a flash-ally, one that would bounce back to your hand. But that might be OP."
"This guy seems great in an aggresive ally deck." This last one might be the most arbitrary brain-dead comment i have ever read. Every single ally is good in an aggresive ally deck.
Posted By: TheSwarm (10/4/2010 3:48:39 PM)


Cant wait to use him with Join the Ranks.
Posted By: Catmurderer (1/18/2010 10:30:55 PM)


it seems that white has some of the most useful allies around, ondu cleric is ridiculous when you have 2 and a few other allies, and this guy makes your allies unblockable for your turn, he would be much better if it was until the beginning of your next turn, although that would make allies broken, and you can't have that too early on.
Posted By: Mattmedia (11/3/2009 2:07:39 AM)


all you need it a Leyline of Anticipation and then you can play any ally as though it had flash
Posted By: olinozin (8/9/2010 5:13:58 AM)


This card is really strong, more so if your playing an agrresive White deck. That's almost every turn Pro from what ever colour you want and just slam in. Awesome.
Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (11/17/2009 1:53:54 PM)


kick rite of replication with this in play and you have protection from all colors until end of turn
Posted By: sliverlord5000 (9/25/2009 6:42:59 PM)


This guy seems great in an aggressive Ally deck.
Posted By: Vinifera7 (10/30/2009 6:38:42 AM)


Now with him, blademaster, we are just missing an ally flash (so you can activate these abilities even on your opponent turn) something like 2U for a 1/1 ally with flash that comeback in it's owner hand at the end of turn ^^(the return part might be overpowered) and well have a powerful blue, white, green (bant) allies deck.

PS. now with Join the rank I got my "flash ally" that give me a double ally proc and it's white so no need to splash an extra color
Posted By: Sorxores (2/7/2010 6:35:27 PM)


Use momentary blink if you're building a non-standard ally deck. That'll cover your multiple ally triggers each turn!
Posted By: Malnourished_Student (6/3/2010 3:23:35 AM)


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